MXview One SeriesDatasheet
Features and Benefits
- Discovers and visualizes network devices and physical connections automatically
- Central management of configurations and firmware for Moxa devices
- Multiple options for events and notifications with self-defined threshold and duration
- Comprehensive reports, including inventory, traffic, and availability reports
- Provides RESTful API and web widget to embed MXview One into industrial applications
- Dynamic topology view shows the status of wireless links and connection changes at a glance This feature requires the MXview Wireless add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-WIRELESS-MR), which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-on license.
- Visual, interactive roaming playback function to review the roaming history of clients This feature requires the MXview Wireless add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-WIRELESS-MR), which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-on license.
- Detailed device information and performance indicator charts for individual AP and client devices This feature requires the MXview Wireless add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-WIRELESS-MR), which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-on license.
- Full visibility of A/B LAN redundancy through a visualized PRP/HSR network topology and substation packet flow information This feature requires the MXview Power add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-POWER-MR), which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-on license.
- GOOSE message path tracking for fast and efficient troubleshooting This feature requires the MXview Power add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-POWER-MR), which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-on license.
- Auto IED discovery within the network topology display by importing SCD files This feature requires the MXview Power add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-POWER-MR), which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-on license.
Moxa’s MXview One next-generation network managementsoftware is designed for monitoring and diagnosing networking devicesin industrial networks. MXview One provides an integrated managementplatform that can discover networking devices and SNMP/IP devicesinstalled on subnets. All selected network components can be managedvia a web browser from a local site or through remote access—anytimeand anywhere.
In addition, MXview One supports the optional MXview Wireless This feature requires the MXview Wireless add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-WIRELESS-MR),which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license isrequired in order to activate the add-on license. and MXviewPower This feature requires the MXview Power add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-POWER-MR),which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license isrequired in order to activate the add-on license. add-on modules.MXview Wireless provides additional advanced functions for wirelessapplications to monitor and troubleshoot your network, and help youminimize downtime. MXview Power provides additional advanced functionsfor power applications based on IEC 61850 to monitor and troubleshootsubstation networks in real-time.
Discovers up to 2,000 Moxa devices and SNMP/ICMP deviceswithin scan range
Visualization of redundant link status and device rolesof network redundancy protocols
Security view for the security status of network deviceswith industrial security standard
A network management dashboard to view the network statusquickly
Visualization of network traffic loading with color-codedlinks
Visualization of managed PoE device power consumption
SFP list for fiber check
Wireless device dashboard that shows dynamic AP-clientrelationships and performance indicator charts for wireless devices This feature requires the MXview Wireless add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-WIRELESS-MR),which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license isrequired in order to activate the add-on license.
Roaming playback to review a client's roaming status This feature requires the MXview Wireless add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-WIRELESS-MR),which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license isrequired in order to activate the add-on license.
PRP/HSR visualization for power applications compliantwith IEC-61850 This feature requires the MXview Power add-on license(LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-POWER-MR), which can be purchased separately. Anactive MXview One license is required in order to activate the add-onlicense.
MMS protocol to identify related IED devices Thisfeature requires the MXview Power add-on license (LIC-MXviewOne-ADD-POWER-MR),which can be purchased separately. An active MXview One license isrequired in order to activate the add-on license.
Network Diagnostics and Event Notifications
Detect problems in real-time with SNMP trap/inform, orperiodic polling
Generate trend graphs to track bandwidth utilizationand error packet rate statistics, accurate to four decimal places
Supports Syslog server for centralized message management
Configurable event notification alarms sent through email
Multiple options for events with self-defined thresholdand duration
Real-time device availability monitoring
Provides RESTful API and web widget for integrating MXviewOne into the existing system
Comprehensive Reports
Generate an inventory report for each device on the network
Compile comprehensive device properties report
Centralized Configuration and Firmware Management
Managedevice firmware from a single platform
Inone click, back up the configuration of multiple devices and the entireMXview One database, including topology, job scheduling, events, anddevice properties
Schedulingfor periodic configuration backup
Savehistory of configuration changes
Comparisontool for checking differences between two configurations
Flexible Licenses
Demand-based licenses to increase node limit for monitoring
Optional MXview Power and MXview Wireless add-on licensesto unlock advanced functions